We solve disputes under government contracts.
Legal Business Solution will help to solve any dispute with the public sector customer:
- To challenge a unilateral termination of the contract by the public sector customer even for reasons of its fundamental breach;
- To challenge penalties and fines charged by the public sector customer;
- To collect debts;
- To reimburse contract performance security;
- To challenge decisions on the recognition of the supplier (executor) of the public procurement deviant;
- To eliminate your company from the Register of bad-faith suppliers in advance.
In the view of the current market situation state and municipal procurement have become for many companies a key source of supply for production capacity and receipt of funds. The winning bid will guarantee the existence of the market for the majority of executors of state contracts. But unfortunately, for many companies win contracts leads to problems and risks.
There are not rare cases of unfair behavior of customers, especially when a government contract wins the company, whose victory was not planned by the organizer of public procurements. The state, under any pretext, even in cases of minor violations of the conditions of execution or signing of the contract, makes a decision on unilateral refusal to perform the contract or admits the supplier evaded from signing it. In practice, when considering the case in FAS, the supplier may not be provided opportunities to protect their interests, and make a decision not in his favor.
Delays in delivery of goods or performance of works, delivery of defective goods, failure to submit of Bank guarantee under the contract are the common difficulties faced by executors of the state contracts. In turn, customers delay payment, unreasonably refuse to accept goods and services impose fines and penalties and threaten to terminate the contract. That is why the performance of state and municipal contracts requires professional legal support.
Legal Business Solution will help you to solve any difficult questions with the public sector customer at the stages of conclusion and execution of contracts. In case of occurrence of disagreements with the public sector customer, contact our lawyers and they will form you with the most effective legal position, will help to resolve the dispute in the pretrial order, will protect the interests of your company in the Federal Antimonopoly service and Arbitration Court.