November 17, 2016 Federal Center for Informatization under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation published a notice on the conduct of an electronic auction for the provision of services for the operation of technical means of the automation system of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation State Automated System "Elections" and information technology Subsystems of the intellectual information system of the buildings of the CEC of Russia with an initial maximum price of 61,297,007.84 rubles.
Specialists of the Legal Business Solutions have found violations of articles 33, 64 of Federal Law No. 44-of 05.04.2013 "On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services for provision of state and municipal needs" .
As a result of consideration of the complaint of the Legal Business Solutions in the FAS Russia, the Customer was instructed to bring the auction documentation in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system.