Innopolis University, specializing in education and research in the field of information technology and robotics, with the support of the analytical center "Aeronet" organized a conference GIS Tech Russia in December 2018.
Within the conference, participants discussed the main IT trends in geographic information technologies in science, business, urban services and regional management processes. In addition, the conference participants presented successful projects in these areas, discussed the main problems and the direction of further development of the GIS industry.

Andrey Balagurov, Managing Partner of the law firm “Legal Business Solution”, was invited as a moderator of the round table. He spoke about regulatory issues in this area. Within this section of conference, participants expressed their opinion about relevant issues that complicate development of the industry and demand updating of regulation.

Also, the law firm “Legal Business Solution” presented a legislative initiative about the need to make changes in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in order to introduce the infrastructure for automatic photo-recording of administrative offenses in the field of environmental protection and environmental management.